Friday 22 July 2016

HsQML released: From Zürich

Last night I arrived in Zürich for ZuriHac 2016 and, in the brief space between finding my way from the airport and falling asleep, released HsQML You can download the latest release of this Haskell binding to the Qt Quick GUI framework from Hackage as usual.

This is purely a bug-fix release, fixing building with newer versions of Cabal (1.24, GHC 8) and Qt (5.7+). It also resolves some difficulties with building the library on MacOS and I've revised the MacOS install documentation with more information.

In other news, I've decommissioned the old Trac bug-tracker as I accidentally broke it some time ago during a server upgrade and failed to notice. I take this as a bad sign for its effectiveness, so please just e-mail me with any issues instead. I enjoy hearing from people trying to use the library and I always try to reply with assistance as quickly as possible, so don't be shy.

release- - 2016.07.21

  * Added support for Cabal 1.24 API.
  * Fixed linking shared builds against MacOS frameworks (needs Cabal 1.24+).
  * Fixed building with Qt 5.7.