Saturday 2 August 2014

HsQML released: One Thousand Downloads

A few days ago I released HsQML, a bug fix to my Haskell binding to the Qt Quick GUI library. You can download the latest release from Hackage as usual.

The primary purpose of this release was to fix issue 20. HsQML has code which monitors variant values created using the Qt library in order to prevent objects which are referenced by a variant from being garbage collected. A flaw in this code caused it to examine the data held inside variants even when it wasn't valid, causing a crash in certain circumstances.

release- - 2014.07.31

  * Fixed crash when storing Haskell objects in QML variants.
  * Fixed corrupted logging output caused by threading.

In related news, HsQML has now reached over 1000 downloads from Hackage since Hackage 2 started collecting download statistics late last year. See the bar chart below:-

The spike in May was owed to the transition to Qt 5 brought about by the release of Hopefully, the graph will climb to new heights with the release of more features in the future!

My target for the next release is to support rendering OpenGL graphics directly from Haskell code and into the QML scene, to better support applications with sophisticated requirements for custom drawing. This is tracked by issue 10.